What Book Do You Wish You’d Never Read?

Joseph Heller

A book I wanted to throw across the room by the time I finished it was Something Happened by Joseph Heller. I won’t tell you what the “something” was that “happened” in the book. Suffice it to say I could have done without learning about it. But I won’t get into the plot twist here. After all, you may be the sort of reader who enjoys finding out for themselves why someone would hate a particular book. I don’t want to ruin the surprise for you.

The most aggravating thing, the thing that made me want to throw the book across the room, was that when something finally did happen, it was after hundreds of pages of nothing much happening. In my opinion, it wasn’t worth the wait. I don’t care if it was Joseph Heller writing. (Now that I think of it, even though I did enjoy the movie Catch 22 very much, when I tried to read the book I was lost. I realize I may be admitting to a low IQ or something, but whatever.)

What book would you name as one you wish you’d never read? Why? (… if you can tell us without spoiling the book for someone else who might have an entirely different reaction to it …)

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4 Responses to What Book Do You Wish You’d Never Read?

  1. I reacted that way when reading “Cujo” by Stephen King. I won’t say what happened but it certainly didn’t need to be, and it was a long while before I read another of his books.

    • @NR&M Yes, I can see that! I admit to enjoying Cujo; I marveled at the way King got into the main character’s mind without anthropomorphizing. And I know that’s not what you’re talking about. King will be King, indeed.

  2. Pam Seastrand says:

    I wish I never read the young adult novel “The Giver.”

    It was stoopid. I can’t really remember why, but I thought the whole ending was ridiculous and lame. I left it somewhere in an airport in disgust after having just finished it.

    • Thanks for the input, Pam. It should be illegal to publish a book for young adults that young adults will declare to be a stupid book. Makes you want to find out more about how that decision was made in the case of The Giver. I just wrote that and then looked at Amazon for readers’ comments. If you’re referring to the Lois Lowry book, it was a Newbury Award winner and has a study guide and everything. So, a school assignment at the time? And you were probably lightyears ahead already. Ta-da!

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