You may recall my plan to participate in the Huffington Post Book Club (to refresh your memory, click here). It depends on what aspect of being in a book club you want to focus on, to decide whether I succeeded.
- Did I participate? Yes, in the first third of the reading schedule.
- Did I read the whole book? Yes, but after the first third I was behind everyone else.
- Did I enjoy the book? Not really!
- Will I try another book with that group? I haven’t decided, but might if I’m especially interested in the book.
- Am I glad I tried? Yes, and it helped to read others’ comments, because I simply didn’t understand portions of The Tiger’s Wife. Part of the problem was that I let too much time pass between reading times, so I would lose the thread. But I let time pass because I just wasn’t really enjoying the book. Not a big fan of the folklore focus.
In the end, I’m admitting I have no clue why the book is titled The Tiger’s Wife. The only “wife” a tiger should have is, of course, another tiger. (See photo above.) If I really wanted to spend more time ruminating about this book, I’d come up with a rationale for its title. But I’m not a-gonna.
Image: anankkml /