I’m looking forward to letting you know, dear readers, what I am giving as books this year. I cannot say now because the recipients may see! In the meantime, I wish for you all a wonderful holiday week, whatever you have planned. For my part, today, I have given myself a couple of gifts:
(1) I’m starting to read Stephen King’s highly touted 11/22/63, which I would call a guilty pleasure if he didn’t also keep teaching me how to write well.
(2) I’ve given my Yours In Books page on Facebook an easy-to-use URL, namely, facebook.com/yours.in.books. Check it out. I wish I had used those separating periods in the blog address as well, instead of learning that a lot of people think “yoursinbooks” means “Your Sin Books.”
(3) I’m asking anyone who uses Facebook and who follows my blog but hasn’t yet “Liked” my Yours In Books Facebook page to do so at this time. There are many items I communicate via FB that never make it into my blog. You will be entertained more often.
I keep learning that if you don’t ask for something, people are less likely to give it to you. I have always liked getting Christmas presents. Please “Like” my Yours In Books Facebook page.
Have a wonderful holiday!