Reasons were not given. I strongly suspect a role was played by “the ick factor,” the term one of my readers used to explain her own reaction to the essay I’d written. The judges’ decision may have been influenced by how graphic they thought a piece on genital labeling and STDs really needed to be. (You think?) But it was the sixties and seventies, man…
Oh well, I had fun writing it, and I’ve no doubt it will see print in some other context someday. Perhaps a bit toned down, or hidden within a novel somewhere.
In the meantime, I’ve entered a different contest with an unrelated short-short story. I’ll let you know…

You’ve gotta try!
I agree, Liz, and I’m looking forward to more attempts.
Dumb ass, NEVER! Too smart to be appreciated, likely.
Ah, Carol, there’s nothing like a biased friend. Thanks for the support!
Ms. M. — huge air hug from WI. Canfield/Hansen, Grisham, Redfield, — all authors rejected many times over. Keep trying.
Thank you, Mary. I will if you will… (okay, I will anyway, but I hope you are, too!).