Introduction to Blog Plan

Why “Yours In Books”? Simple. It’s hard to engage me in any conversation for any length of time unless a book is mentioned at some point. I’m not an especially widely read person, but whatever someone else is reading or I am reading is, to me, the most exciting motivation to interact. For my entire working life, books have been why I’m there. I started out in science textbook editing, then experienced editing most of the other el-hi school disciplines, added in some book marketing and graphic arts experience, ended up as a tradebook publisher, and now I’m writing. I’m writing memoir, fiction, and a blog.

Books are spiritual to me, but this is not a spiritual site. This is everyday life in the secular realm. My goal with this website/blog is to share whatever recent book experience I’ve had and to provide others a forum for sharing their own. I’m anticipating that this will not be a place to read a book review; there are oh-so-many places to find that already. Come here to read about the intersections of books (or authors) and day-to-day lives.

I’m surely not the only blogger to do this, to focus on book-intersections in their life, but as “my thing” I hope it will make a unique offering to the mix. I’ll try to keep entries to 2-4 paragraphs…

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4 Responses to Introduction to Blog Plan

  1. Lovely to see you in print once again. It’s been too long.

    Funny, today I have thought of so many things to write.

    I’m sure your blogs will be a) informative, b) humorous and c) off the beaten track, perhaps?

  2. Doreen Dziepak says:

    ahhhhh, like a breath of fresh air, books are every bit as necessary to my existence. From the very beginning, I have been a reader, thanks to Mom. My fondest summer memories are the times we visited our local library and I was left to wonder the stacks selecting the “reads” for the next two weeks . . . I can still recall the sights and smells, the creaking wood floorboards in the West Acres Library (an old home converted for this purpose). Thank you Meredith for reminding me of that time so long ago.

  3. Doreen Dziepak says:

    For anyone who has accidentally dropped a book in the tub, or can imagine doing it.

    EXACTLY why I fear converting to a “Kindle” or other such . . . I have an iPad and
    liked the ease for reading/carrying books BUT despondent over the fact I could not
    feel the book, nor pass along a great read to another.

  4. Nancy and Doreen, thank you for these great comments! I love that my commenters are so thoughtful, smart, and entertaining in their own right. You’re setting the bar higher and higher. BTW, I do have a Kindle and have read one book on it so far and downloaded two more that I haven’t gotten to yet. I’m thinking I’ll use it on the next 3-day car trip… In the meantime, I keep gravitating toward the physical books on my to-read shelf.

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