Late to Reading

I met the wife of one of my cousins a few weeks back, for the first time, though they’ve now been married for many years. I hadn’t seen my cousin S. since 1988, just before he and his first wife got divorced. Meeting his second wife, M., was a little awkward at first because it was a group setting. We didn’t have a chance to get to know each other. The next night, however, we were part of a smaller gathering, and I learned this about M: Now in her sixties (I think), she has just discovered books. She is reading them for fun, can’t get enough, and despairs that she didn’t know earlier in her life how much enjoyment could be had from them.

Imagine going through most of your life before discovering the joy in books if you were meant to be a reader. If you’re reading my blogs (wow, all two of them so far), you are probably a reader, and you can imagine the sadness M. feels even as she enjoys one book on top of another as fast as she can make them hers.

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