Slogging through a swamp of too many ideas, not enough focus. Will I find my way out? In my first two successful romps with National Novel Writing Month, I was a “pantster,” one who writes by the seat of their pants. This time I’m writing as a “plotter,” working the plot and characters out ahead of time, so I’ll know how the story’s going to end before I start writing it.
I did start writing some scenes last year, but I didn’t have a clear idea of a beginning, middle, and end. This year, spurred by my purchase of The Plot Whisperer Workbook (author: Martha Alderson), I’m pinning something down.
I’ve created Character Emotional Development profiles for three characters. I’ve determined the four Energetic Markers that will be the major scenes in the story. I’ve listed twenty-nine scenes altogether that I anticipate will comprise the main storyline. Weirdly, I’m still not sure what genre this book will fit into. Suspense? Mainstream women’s fiction? Young adult?
I’m almost ready to stop planning (and whining) and to start writing. Most of my NaNoWriMo compatriots are probably about halfway through the writing by now. I can only hope that all my planning will translate to much faster writing. I do know that after the actual writing finally begins (today!), the true path will reveal itself. I’m looking forward to that superb aha. Sixteen days left.

Sounds like you just need to get started putting all those pieces together. Don’t belittle “thinking.” It’s a critical part of the process! Go, Meredith, go!
Thank you, Pam, for the encouraging words. You’re so right about the thinking; I just get so impatient with it! I’ve had a good two days writing now and a fairly big breakthrough in the process. (All shall be revealed…)