National Novel Writing Month starts today, and I’m in it to win it! I was a “winner” in 2009 and in 2010, but in 2011 the creative spark was doused by my revision efforts on the 2009 manuscript. In fact, I’m still revising. But that’s how this gig works. The main thing is that 2009 and 2010 got me into the writing mode like nothing else could at the time. And now, in 2012, I will set other demands aside and create again.
If you haven’t been to the NaNoWriMo website and wonder what it’s all about, click here. If you know anyone who’s been talking about writing a novel but has never started it, or is stuck in some death spiral with their manuscript, let them know about this fun path to personal (as in inner) success. No one ever has to see what writers are writing during the month. The inner editor is banned altogether. Whether or not the “novel” sees the light of day down the road isn’t the point. The point is releasing the creative juices, reminding yourself you can have fun with storytelling.
I’m totally going for it. All I lack is a cat.