My Pinterest Boards

This photo is one of my "No Comment" pins

This photo is one of my “No Comment” pins

What I love about Pinterest is its hit-or-miss attitude. There’s no pressure to pin on any schedule or with any intention of finding closure. It’s an option that accommodates spur-of-the-moment captures as well as planned collections. The latter are sometimes secret boards; for instance I’ve got a hidden board going called Great Wharf that puts me in mind of the setting of my novel When Mrs. Cook Got Out More.

If you haven’t yet visited my Pinterest collection and would like to take a look at the boards open to the public, click here.

My currently visible book-related categories
Books Worth Reading (totally incomplete display at this time)
Book Covers That Work (ditto)
Flow Charts
Author Obits (just started feeding into this one recently, so only two so far)
Literary Inspiration

Other subjects that tickle my fancy (may include book items)
Animals (you’ll see lots of cats, dogs, and horses here; okay, mostly cats)
No Comment

Do you have a Pinterest account, and if so, do you use it for work as well as pleasure?

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