My friend Karen has always considered herself not to be a strong reader. This hasn’t kept her from getting a master’s degree in education, teaching reading and other subjects throughout her teaching career, and developing and now writing a book on a bully-proofing approach that works with all ages of children.
A couple years ago, when Karen started sharing with me how things were going with her fledgling bully-proofing program, her excitement and commitment were palpable. The more she talked about it, the more sure I became that she was creating something extraordinary, and yet she planned only to offer it in her local/regional school systems. She thought she needed to be present personally, making it happen directly.
That’s when I said, “Karen, you’re going to need to write a book about this and teach others how to be where you can’t be.” She shook her head, no. I persisted, “You need to be out there speaking on the subject and helping people ‘get it’ so they can help kids you can’t reach directly.” Karen was vehement. “Meredith, I’m never going to write a book.”
Over the next few months I did some investigating online. I checked out a ghostwriter I’d heard speak in a teleseminar who seemed like a possible match for Karen’s personality and approach to the world. Then I suggested the idea again to Karen, now with a person’s name and website attached to my comments. In the meantime, Karen’s local fame was increasing, she was becoming known for her program both locally and within the National Middle School organization, and she was seeing the potential power a book could add to what she was trying to accomplish on behalf of bullies and bullied. She became excited that someone could record her ideas and get her messages across as strongly in writing as she was already doing in person. Karen and her ghostwriter have now met on the phone and begun their work. Stay tuned, and I will say more as the project progresses!